Finding A High Quality Orthodontist Near Me

How to Choose the Best Local Orthodontist

Everyone desires a perfect, beautiful smile. It lifts your confidence, and promotes good oral health. One of the primary ways to achieve this is through orthodontic treatment. However, selecting a local orthodontist can be intimidating and confusing. This article aims to help you find the best ‘orthodontist near me‘ that suits your specific requirements.

Orthodontic care demands a long-term commitment – both time and money-wise. It’s crucial to find a specialist with whom you are comfortable discussing your main concerns. More importantly, you want to ensure they are competent and knowledgeable. At the very least, they should be certified by your state’s dental board and should ideally be a member of professional orthodontic bodies.

First, you need to determine essential factors such as convenience and availability. When searching for an ‘orthodontist near me,’ consider their office hours and location. It should be convenient for your regular checkups. Some practices are open early in the morning or late in the evening or even on Saturdays – a boon for busy working adults and school-going children.

Once the practical considerations are addressed, focus should shift to the quality of patient care. A great orthodontist prioritizes patient satisfaction. Upon narrowing down your choices, read patient reviews online. This step gives insight into real experiences and validates the reputation of the orthodontist. It can help separate the average from the exceptional!

When considering orthodontic treatment, it’s good to have a holistic approach. Often people think this only involves straightening teeth, but orthodontics also corrects jaw malalignment, improves facial profile, and tackles issues related to the functionality of your bite.

With advancements in technology, orthodontic treatments have evolved considerably. They range from traditional braces to invisible aligners. An experienced orthodontist offers comprehensive treatment plans customized to your needs. They not only focus on improving your smile but also maintaining good oral health throughout the treatment period.

In-Office Consultation – The Key to Finding Your Orthodontist

Once you’ve shortlisted potential orthodontists, schedule a consultation. This visit is extremely crucial and is your opportunity to assess their practice first-hand. Engage with the staff, check the cleanliness and, most importantly, observe how they treat you and other patients. Trust your instincts. Feeling comfortable is as important as their skills and qualifications.

During this consultation, make sure all your concerns are addressed. Don’t hesitate to understand your orthodontic issues, the proposed treatment plan, expected results, duration, and cost. Beware of practices that promise quick results or super low prices. Inexpensive doesn’t necessarily mean good value. Your smile is precious, and it’s worth investing wisely.

In your search for ‘orthodontist near me‘, consider discussing your requirements with a reputable professional like dentist double bay laura. As a seasoned orthodontist, Laura provides extensive services customized to your comfort and preferences. Her team ensures that each visit is a positive, stress-free, and rewarding experience. Most importantly, she’s dedicated to helping you achieve that perfect, confidence-boosting smile.

Remember, orthodontic treatment can truly transform your smile and your life. So make sure you choose an orthodontist you can trust. It might require some research and patience, but at the end of the day, your smile is absolutely worth it!

A Cosmetic Dentist Manassas Can Improve Your Smile

October, 2013 byAlma Abell

Many people have the impression cosmetic dentist in Manassas is only for the wealthy. While it was once true, you can now enjoy the same benefits of cosmetic dentistry. Unlike general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance instead of preventative oral care. When you have a better smile, your self-image and self-confidence improves. Missing, broken, or stained teeth can cause you to shy away from pictures and social events. You can choose from several procedures to get back your smile.


Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dentistry procedure that can restore the natural color of teeth with a bleaching agent. This is generally done in the dentist’s office in less than hour. You can choose the tray method or the laser method. For the tray method,the cosmetic dentist in Manassas will make an impression of your teeth . The impression is used to create a tray that fits correctly. The tray holds the bleaching agent. You may have to wear the tray overnight. The laser whitening method applies a laser beam to activate the bleach. It is more expensive than the tray method, but faster.

Tooth bonding is a procedure that repairs chipped or broken teeth, gaps, and change the shape of teeth. The procedure involves the use of an adhesive material. The procedure typically does not require anesthesia unless it is for a decayed tooth. Bonding cost less than other procedures. However, the bonding material isn’t stain-resistant so you have to be careful what foods you eat 48 hours after the bonding is finished. It can be completed in half an hour to one hour. Dental implants are often applied to replace missing teeth. The implants are made from titanium and inserted in the jaw bone. To be a candidate for dental implants, you bones must be supportive enough.

These procedures are only some of what is available. The kind you choose will rely on several factors. Cosmetic dental procedures are elective so they won’t be covered by insurance. It helps to learn all about the procedures you are considering. You will also want to choose the best dentist. Talk to others and get referrals. You can have the smile you always wanted with cosmetic dentists.

How Can I Build Muscle Mass And Lose Weight At The Same Time?

By Chris Chew

As a fitness personal trainer and weight loss consultant, I am often asked this question,”Can I lose weight and build muscle size at the same time?”

Now let me ask you a question. If you are building muscle mass, then you are building body tissues and since muscles are dense body tissues, they are heavy. That being the case, when building muscles, you must be gaining and not losing weight right?

What these folks actually meant was that whether they can lose body fat and build muscle mass at the same time. Yes, it is possible to lose fat and build muscles at the same time. However, the process can be rather complicated and it takes alot of discpline and knowledge to do that. Furthermore, results may be even slower than the conventional 2 steps bulking up and cutting down phase method.


You see, losing fat and gaining muscles are at odds with each other. This is because to lose body fat weight, you have to eat less calories than the energy your body used up in your daily activities. On the other hand, to gain muscles you have to eat more calories than your body used as its energy source. So they are contradictoins.So how to achieve the desired result simultaneously?

Well, as I said, it can be done but is quite complicated. This is the reason why most professional bodybuilders train in 2 phases. The bulking up phase and the cutting down phase.

The bulking up phase is when the bodybuilders train to put on muscle mass and don’t even think of losing fat. In this process, they will actually be putting on alot of weight. They will put on muscle weight as as well as some weight from body fat because they have to eat alot to put on huge muscle mass.

When these bodybuilders put on enough muscles, they will then begin the cutting phase. It will also be alot easier to lose fat now because all the muscles they put on will help them to burn calories fast. Yes, muscles burn more calories because they need calories to sustain them.So these body builders become natural fat burner with their high metabolism at this stage.

The cutting phase is when the bodybuilders cut fat from all over their body to get that ripped definition. For ordinary people in this phase, they will get to see their body toned up nicely, their six pack abs will also begin to show. So if you want to have a well sculpted toned body, then take this 2 step approach to build muscles first and then cut the body fat when you achieve the muscle size you wanted.

About the Author: Chris Chew is the author of “Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast”. More articles here

Fitness Instructor online certification


Weight loss holiday camps


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Evolution Of Dental Implants}

Submitted by: Bruno Mcarthy

Today, dental problems can be solved with the assistance of dental implants. It is a prosthetic device of alloplastic material inserted into the oral tissues beneath the mucosal or periosteal layers to provide support and retention to a partial or full denture. Basically, dental implant is a screw-in-tooth.

Completely edentulous patients now enjoy the security and function of a fixed restoration in the form of implants. Patients missing posterior teeth can enjoy the benefits of a fixed restoration with dental implant. Trauma victims who are missing teeth and bone can be successfully rehabilitated with fixed restorations. Even patients missing only a single tooth can receive a restoration similar to the missing natural tooth. Similarly, patients with the available bone can receive complete fixed implant rehabilitation.


The implants had their beginnings around the middle of the twentieth century. Early types of dental implants came into common use during the 1960s, because of patient demand. Although until then little or no scientifically sound research has been done to characterize the success rate of implants. In May 1982, a conference was held in Toronto, where a Swedish research team led by Branemark, introduced the world of dentistry to a new concept for implant placement known as Osseo integration. This is the direct attachment of bone to the surface of implant such that the bone cells can be seen on an electron micrograph to be growing on the implant surface. This new concept is based on a traumatic implant placement and delayed implant loading. These factors contribute to a higher success rate of implants than that was previously possible.

In 1988, a national institute of health consensus conference was held in Washington DC. This conference evaluated the long term effectiveness of dental implants and established the indications and contraindications for various types of implants. By using the criteria established by this conference, a success rate of 85 percent at the end of 5 year observation period and 80 percent at the end of the 10 year observation period was seen. It has been proved that if implants survive the first 2 years, there is a 98 percent success rate with dramatic improvement in all functional parameters. However, implants are more successful in the mandible than in the maxilla because of the difference in bone quality of both jaws.

Implants are made of different materials. The usual materials are titanium or hydroxyapatite-coated titanium. Bioceramic and gold are less commonly used. Dental implants have different components such as implants, which is in the form of threaded or non-threaded cylinder, cover screw, healing cap abutment, impression post and prosthesis retaining screw. Although implant can be successfully used for most edentulous patients, it has certain contraindications. For example pregnancy, acute or terminal illness, uncontrolled metabolic disease, lack of operator experience etc.

The surgical procedure for dental implant is highly equipment-dependent and the surgeon needs to be trained in the particular technique used. Joint planning between an oral surgeon and restorative dentist is essential for success. The conventional denture modification should have been tried, a balanced occlusion should be created and a high standard of oral hygiene is mandatory. Sometimes, dental implants fail to function properly because of certain complications such as improper angulation of implant, perforation of maxillary sinus, mandibular fracture, wounding of soft tissues etc. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken by the oral surgeon to avoid these complications and to increase the success rate of implants, so that more benefits can be taken from this dynamic development of dental science.

About the Author:

Dental Implants Los Angeles

Since most of dental procedures are much more expensive and not covered by insurance, you need to make sure you find a Dentist who is reliable and gets the job done properly, giving you good results.Click here for

Affordable Dental Implants Los Angeles


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I Have Septic Bursitis I Understand It Can Be Dangerous…What Is It?}

Submitted by: Nathan Wei

Before the days of antibiotics, septic bursitis was a potentially life-threatening problem.

Nowadays, because of higher index of suspicion as well as the presence of antibiotics, it should be, in most case, readily treatable. This article discusses this problem.

A bursa (plural=bursae) is a sack containing a small amount of fluid that serves as a protective cushion between bones and overlying muscles or between bones and tendons. Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa caused by repetitive use, trauma, infection, or a systemic inflammatory disease.

These sacks are lined with the synovium the same tissue that lines the inside of joints. Humans have approximately 160 bursae.

Bursitis most commonly affects the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Symptoms of bursitis may include localized tenderness, edema, redness, heat, and limited ability to move the affected area.

When a bursa becomes infected, the condition is referred to as septic bursitis. In septic bursitis, trauma is the usual culprit. Trauma causes inoculation of bacteria into the bursa, which triggers an inflammatory response.

The two most commonly infected bursae are the olecrenon bursa at the elbow and the prepatellar bursa in the knee. The reason these two bursae get infected more easily is because of their location.

The olecranon bursa lies at the tip of the elbow. Because of its superficial location, it is easily traumatized from acute trauma or repetitive stress.

Trauma to the skin makes the olecranon a frequent location for infectious bursitis. The risk of septic bursitis increases in those who have a history of another chronic disease.


Chronic repetitive stress from pressure on the elbows is seen in hemodialysis patients, computer users, and chronic lung disease patients.

When inflamed, the olecrenon bursa at the tip of the elbow becomes swollen, red, and painful. Bending the elbow makes the pain worse. Low grade fever and chills may also be present.

The prepatellar bursa lies in front of the knee between the patella (kneecap) and the skin.

Infection can develop due to either trauma or constant friction between the skin and the patella, most commonly when frequent kneeling is involved. It can be seen in carpet-layers, coal miners, roofers, gardeners, electricians, and plumbers. Actually any activity involving a lot of kneeling and friction can lead to septic prepatellar bursitis.

The superficial location of the prepatellar bursa allows for rather easy introduction of bacteria. This is similar to the situation involving the olecrenon bursa.

Prepatellar bursitis presents with swelling, redness, heat, and pain involving the front of the knee. Bending the knee causes increased pressure over the bursa and increases pain.

(A quick note: there is also another bursa called the infrapatellar bursa. It is located below the knee cap and may be confused with the prepatellar bursa).

As mentioned earlier, septic bursitis occurs from the introduction of bacteria through trauma. It can also occur from the spread of infection from the skin adjacent to a bursa. Skin infection is called cellulitis.

It is less likely for deeper bursae to become infected because of their location. This can occur as a result of spread from septic arthritis (an infected joint) or from bacteria carried to the bursa from the blood.

Predisposing factors include diabetes, alcoholism, steroid therapy, kidney disease, trauma, and skin disease. A history of noninfectious inflammation of the bursa (as seen in rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and pseudogout) also increases the risk of septic bursitis.

Signs that favor the diagnosis of septic over simple inflammatory bursitis include: severe tenderness, extreme redness, heat, fever, and chills.

Laboratory tests may show an increase in white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood cultures should be obtained if deep bursal infection is suspected.

Aspiration and analysis of bursal fluid from a suspected infected bursa should be performed when possible. Certainly, the most frequently infected bursae, such as the olecranon and prepatellar bursae should undergo this procedure. The use of ultrasound makes aspiration much more accurate.

Bursal fluid culture is the most important test for diagnosis.

Fluid should also be examined for crystals. Monosodium urate crystals can be seen in gout and calcium pyrophosphate crystals can be seen in pseudogout; however, the presence of crystals does not exclude concomitant infection.

All fluid should be cultured.

Patients with suspected septic bursitis should be treated with antibiotics while awaiting culture results. Superficial septic bursitis can be treated with oral antibiotics.

Deep bursal infection will generally require intravenous antibiotics.

Staph aureus is the most common bacteria, causing more than 80% of cases. Streptococcal species account for 5-20% of cases. Other organisms are less common.

An appropriate antistaph antibiotic should be started. This should be a penicillinase-resistant penicillin, such as oxacillin sodium (Bactosill), or a first-generation cephalosporin, such as cefaclor (Ceclor). Penicillin allergic patients can be treated with erythromycin.

The length of antibiotic treatment varies with the patient and the clinical situation. Uncomplicated septic bursitis presenting within a week of infection should be treated with a 10-14 day course. Aspiration should be repeated every 1-3 days while antibiotics are being administered. Antibiotics should be continued for 5 days past sterilization of bursal fluid as seen by aspiration. Again, the use of ultrasound can help with fluid detection since aspiration of a bursa without fluid may yield very little valuable material.

Patients who are immunosuppressed require a longer course of treatment of at least 15 days.

Deep bursal infections require prolonged antibiotic therapy and surgery is often required.

Surgical intervention, such as incision and drainage is needed in complicated cases.

About the Author: Nathan Wei, MD FACP FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. For more info:

Arthritis Treatment


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Foods To Lower Blood Sugar Levels What To Eat And What Not To?

By Murali V

A diabetic’s body does not produce enough insulin to manage the sugar levels within the body. Therefore, it is important that the diabetics strictly follow a charted plan of foods to lower blood sugar strict diet. A diet high in fiber, but low in fat is most often recommended for diabetics. Foods that are high in fiber can help in lowering the level of glucose in the body. Eating smaller meals and eating more frequently throughout the day will help maintain the delicate level of glucose.

Insulin is responsible for changing starches, sugars, and other food into energy inside the body. Decreasing one’s intake of alcohol, fats, and sweets will help regulate this. A diabetic diet should include 2-4 servings of fruit each day. However, since many fruits are high in sugar some of the fruits to add to your diet are banana, apple, mango, orange, raisins and grapes as good food for diabetes.


Fatty foods often contain a lot of butter, cheese, oil or mayonnaise. They are the ones on the menu that are preceded with “fried” or “creamed”. These should be avoided to be free from high blood sugar. Choose instead grilled, baked, roasted, or steamed food. If you must use oil at all in your cooking, replace cooking oil with olive oil or peanut oil, as these contain less fat. Sauces such as barbeque and teriyaki contain high amounts of sugar and therefore are not ideal for the diabetic diet. Try some of the fruits listed above if you’re craving something sweet. Be generous with seasonings (except for salt) to keep food from tasting too bland.

Diabetic diets need to include foods that have little saturated fats and cholesterol, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, and skinless poultry. Only 10-20% of your daily calories should be derived from proteins in foods, such as low-fat dairy products , lean meat, and fish. The remainder of a diabetic diet should be carbohydrates from beans, whole grains, beans, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. A diabetic should have 3-5 servings of vegetables a day to lower blood sugar. However, some vegetables such as potatoes, corn and carrots are rich in carbohydrates, so partake of these sparingly. Eat fruit and vegetables gradually throughout the day so your blood sugar level won’t suddenly rise. Red meats, eggs, and whole milk dairy products should be avoided.

Since often an unhealthy, unbalanced diet is what caused the diabetes in the first place, these changes can be hard to implement. However, maintaining proper nutrition will help for healthy glucose levels with the prevention of heart and blood vessels disease, which in some cases has led to very serious consequences like blinding and even amputation of severely affected limbs. Keep in mind that it is not harmful long-term to treat yourself once in a great while. Just be sure to do so in moderation with an intake of foods to lower blood sugar. Eat well, to live well and be well.

About the Author: Controlling blood sugar is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in

What are normal glucose levels


6 tips on how to lower blood sugar



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How To Write Your Name In Japanese Kanji Symbols For Your Tattoo Design

By Takanori Tomita

Nowadays, just as we, Japanese people, love to use English symbols or phrase on T-shirt, Logo or jewely design, Westerners start to use Japanese Kanji Symbols for their own design needs as well.

The most popular use of Japanese Symbols is for tattoo designs, and today, this article tells you how your name is translated into Japanese Kanji symbols.

Although there are 3 different Japanese scripts called Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, the most popular Japanese symbol as a tattoo design is Kanji.

Kanji are ideographic characters.

It means that each of Kanji symbol represent not just a sound, but an object or idea. Historically, it is imported from China.


Now, when we write names in Japanese kanji symbols, we can use several different ways to translate. First of all, the key to successfully rendering a name into Japanese symbol is deciding what you want to achieve.

Today, a professional way of Japanse name translation is disscussed. That is, the phonetic and eulogistic transcription, and used when you want to get both the pronunciation and the original meaning of your name.

In this case, we choose a kanji symbol according to each character’s sound, and also combine them with an appropriate meaning.

For example, we write Emma in Japnase kanji symbols.

Emma can be written by using 2 kanji symbols.

The pronunciation becomes “e ma” in Japanese, while the meaning is “Eternal Truth”.

You see, we use the Japanese kanji symbol which has “e” sound and “ma” sound, and in this case, we have chosen Eternal kanji symbol whose sound is “e” and truth kanji symbol whose sound is “ma”.

Also, Kanji has 2 different ways to read and has several different sounds.

So, let me also mentioned about the Kunyomi and the Onyomi.

The onyomi has developed from the original Chinese pronunciation but over the centuries it has been adapted to and become part of the Japanese language.

On the other hand, the kunyomi is native Japanese word.

To write names, we use both kunyomi and Onyomi reading.

But, English names are usually translated with Onyomi reading, and if the sound of onyomi reading of a kanji character is the same as the sound of your name, its kanji character is allocated.

About the Author: Takanori Tomita, a Japanese translator who is specializing in Japanese symbols, and operating

DSFY – Japanese Symbols Translation

This article is (c) Takanori Tomita 2006. Permission is given to reproduce this article in whole with the URLs correctly hyperlinked.


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Choosing A Cosmetic Dentist In Canton, Mi


A great smile begins with good oral health care. Following a routine that incorporates regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and oral hygiene habits that continue at home will ensure dental patients keep their teeth and their gums healthy. However, many patients need dental care treatments to restore their smile. When a patient’s teeth are chipped, missing, or yellowing, they need the services of a dentist that also offers cosmetic dentistry as a part of their dental practice. When patients need general dentistry and a Cosmetic dentist in Canton, MI, they can rely on the services of Brite Dental Care for both services. They provide dental procedures, such as tooth extractions, root canals, periodontal care, white fillings, and cosmetic dentistry, including veneers, teeth whitening, crowns and more.


Brite Dental Care has been providing quality oral health care for both adults and children for more than 15 years. Patients searching for a Cosmetic dentist in Canton MI can find the dental care they need to create better looking teeth. For patients who want to brighten up their smile with teeth whitening services, they provide teeth whitening procedures that are safer for the enamel of the teeth than home teeth whitening products. For patients who need veneers, Brite Dental Care can correct a variety of issues with this procedure. Veneers are ideal for teeth that are crooked, uneven, have spaces in between, or discolored teeth that cannot be corrected with teeth whitening. They use the latest dental equipment and techniques to give their patients the best dental care available, and their cosmetic dentistry procedures have been highly successful at giving patients the appearance they have been searching for.

Brite Dental Care offers free private consultations, and they accept many types of dental insurance plans. They provide assistance with their patient’s insurance claims, and patients can easily download a patient registration form directly from their website. They also offer a Brite Dental Savings Plan to provide affordable dentistry to ensure patients receive the best care at reasonable rates.

New patients can also take advantage of special offers, which includes a package deal that includes oral cancer screening, tooth and cavity exams, periodontal exams, occlusal exams and consultation and planning for continued treatment for any problem areas. They also have a new patient special which offers a set low price for a professional exam, a dental cleaning and an x-ray. They are committed to providing high quality dental care.