Great Technical Writing: Improve Your Readers’ Access With A Visual Index


People are visual creatures. They look at your product, and see, for example, a button or display. They want to find out about that control or indicator. A Visual Index is a simple but powerful document access tool that enables your Readers to find the information that they want.

This article describes the Visual Index concept and tells how to create one for your document.


A Visual Index is a picture of your product or process with links to the relevant information in the related document. Using a Visual Index, your Readers can look at the picture, and quickly jump to the place in your document that describes the item of interest.

Your document may include several Visual Indexes (the plural of “index’ is “indexes” not “indices”).


The Visual Index starts with a picture of your product or process. There are various kinds of pictures to use, based on the product type:

* Physical Product (for example, a barbecue or video disk recorder)

Pictures of the product (all relevant views).

* A Procedure or Process: A flowchart of the steps and decisions in the procedure or process.

* Software Product 1: Screenshots of the software.

* Software Product 2: Before and after images of the work that the product does.

* Organization: An organization chart.


Label all the User-Product Interaction Points (U-PIP) on the picture. A U-PIP is anywhere that your User and the product may interact. U-PIP’s include controls, displays, and relevant physical features of the product (such as handles, latches, etc.). Provide a meaningful (to your Reader) label (name) for the U-PIP. (Use that same exact label everywhere you refer to that U-PIP.)

Aside: If your product uses sounds to inform the User, then include a table of those sounds, what they mean, and a link into the relevant area of your document (describing the sound).


Up to this point, the Visual Index is just like any well-labeled picture of your product or process. However, when you add links into your document, the well-labeled picture becomes a Visual Index.

The link should be to a section of your document that you believe your reader would most want to reach to get the information about that U-PIP. (This is a fundamental question whenever you create an index: “does my reader want to come to this place in my document for this item?”)

Your method of adding links to the picture depends upon the publishing mechanism for the document. If the document is published as:

* A Printed document, then use page numbers for the links;

* An Electronic Document, then use hyperlinks that a Reader can click on to follow. If the document is published as HTML, then the visual index can be an image map.


I have a pain in my foot when I walk. If I go to a website about feet, it would be very efficient for finding out about my pain, if I could see a picture of a foot with various areas where the pain could be. Links from the foot areas to specific web pages would enable me to find the information about my specific foot pain quickly.


Show a picture with the errors that your software can handle, before and after correction. Here the U-PIP’s are each of the photo errors.


The Visual Index is a flowchart for creating the User Document. Since the Course is presented in HTML, the Visual Index is made from an image map, with hyperlinks into the sections of the Course relevant to each item in the flowchart.


A Visual Index is a simple concept. But like many simple concepts it is very powerful. Try to include one in your next document. You’ll be doing your Reader a great service.

Most Frequently Used Gd Topic For Campus Placement 2017 18}

Most Frequently used GD Topic for campus placement 2017- 18


Dr Rajiv SrivastavaA group discussion is an arrangement where a group of individuals sit and share their ideas and opinions on a certain topic. Body language and speaking skills result in an effective group discussion.Means, the GD board is taking examination whether you know the subject well, are able to present your point of view in a reasonable manner, are noticed in understanding what others feel about the same subject and are able to conduct yourself with elegance in a group situation.

1) Murderous Online Games – How to Protect Our Youth?

The society in which we are residing suicide is supposed to be an evil factor which is not supported by any religion and it is treated as illegal act in our law. Then what motivates these teenagers to get involved in such dangerous acts. In my opinion today’s lifestyle which has made our behavior quite mechanical. Modern family has transformed from joint to nuclear which has created a gap in relationships. People are busy enough in their household responsibilities ignoring basic relations. Maximum suffering is faced by teenagers as they are in transition age they need time and advice of their elders which is ignored in the family due to many practical reasons. Such circumstances are leading to a feeling of loneliness which makes teenagers to get diverted towards online friends, games and other activities. This world of internet is full of positive and negative aspects. A child of age group between 12 to16 is too small to handle this world of fascination accordingly he is trapped by some persons with negative intentions. Blue whale game is one of them.

2) Bullet trains in India: pros and cons:

While the country seemed excited when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a diamond quadrilateral of bullet trains to connect the four major cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai in his venture called Smart cities project, critics have a lot to say. There are reasons to be happy about this project and there are reasons that drive us to ponder if this is the first priority of a nation with majority of its population below poverty line. Let us look at it from all point of views and generate our own opinion on this.

3)Hard work or Smart work – Which is important?

If you only work harder you get a high-quality end product, better intellect of achievement, and appreciably more assurance in what you have done, and you receive much more respect for the work put forth.

Smart work and hard work both walks together. Smartness needs experience and experience comes with hard work. For example In any exam be it aptitude or other subjective exam person do lot of hard work to clear all its concepts and then only he can apply shortcuts to solve those problems in shorter time. I have paid attention anywhere that you must know how to do hard work but in a smarter way to endure in today’s world.

4)Demonetization, Merits and Demerits of cashless economy:

The government of India recently took a bold step to demonetize Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency, which means that the legal tender of currency units is declared invalid from the specified date.

Demonetization of currency means discontinuity of the said currency from circulation and replacing it with a new currency.Most of the people hailed the Modi’s strong decision, while poor were shocked by the move. The overnight decision changed the life of many as black money holders were worried about the pile of cash they were sitting on. Many poor daily wage workers were left with no job and income as owners were unable to pay their daily wage.

5)Smart phones Start Up India,

India is now the second-largest smartphone market in the world after China. The Mark 1 is launching at a tough time for Indian smartphone makers, however, as they battle competition from foreign companies. For example, Micromax was the top smartphone brand in India last year, but that position has been supplanted by Samsung. Xiaomi and Lenovo are also aggressively wooing Indian consumers”even though both companies are based in China, they each opened a smartphone manufacturing plant in India last year.

Everyone else boosts the same hardware, cameras, and processors. There’s no point in doing that anymore, Srinivas says. That’s why we believe our philosophy is very, very valid, because at the end of the day, the user is not going to see the hardware. They will see the software and the more the user can get from the software month after month, the more attached they will be.

Stand Up India –

Prospering Entrepreneurial Culture, There are different motives why the young generation more willing to go and start their own company rather than being a part of MNCs.Youth is more risking taking and ready to take up even the most challenging task. Equipped with self confidence, knowledge, capability to work in teams and other skills which are pretty much required to succeed in the corporate world.

They are very much hard working and have a go getters attitude. They want to put in a lot of efforts and in return expect an equivalent returns. The MNCs demand dedication but they are not able to reciprocate it with their rewards causing a feeling of frustration.Start Ups give the freedom to the person to way in which he always wanted to work. Setting their own rules and the chance to realize the dreams. It requires a huge effort to make a Start Up successful but the youth is ready to face the challenge and deliver despite the hindrances that he may face.They want to solve the problems of the world, they want to contribute in the nation building and money is seldom their end motive. They want to generate values by their hard work and work passionately to achieve their task.

6)Do we really need Smart Cities?

The rate of migration from rural to urban areas is increasing across the world day by day. By 2050, around 70% of the people will be living in cities and India is no exception in this regard. There is a promising require for the cities to get smarter in India so that it would handle the issues related with the large scale urbanization. Smart city can be defined as a city which should be equipped with basic infrastructure to give a decent quality of life.

Newly, our Prime Minister Modiji has declared in his apparition to set up around 100 smart cities across the nation. The 100 smart city missions tend to promote the adoption of smart solutions for the proper use of available resources and infrastructure.

The objective of the

SIRT Bhopal

placement cell is to encourage and create awareness among the students about the professional requirements of the employers and through the internships the students learn the working culture of companies and have a more mature understanding of the needs of the employers. Group Discussions are on of the mandatory topics of the training and placement classes organized by SIRT

T& PCell


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Diaper Rash, Diaper Rash Diaper Rash…What To Do? What To Do? What To Do? Grandma El To The Rescue!}

Diaper Rash, Diaper Rash Diaper Rash…What to Do? What to Do? What to Do? Grandma El to the Rescue!


Robert M. Posner

Before the rescue, lets learn more about Diaper Rashwhat can cause it, how it can progress if untreated, and how to prevent secondary bacterial and fungal infections which can invade improperly cared for babies bottoms.

The main cause of diaper dermatitis is simply contact of urine on the skin. Between diaper changes, urine begins to break down into ammonia and other chemical by-products. Fecal matter in the diaper area, between diaper changes, can cause the rapid proliferation of bacteria and or fungus which can infect the already irritated diaper area.

Obviously, the breakdown of urine, its continual contact with the skin, and resulting skin irritation, begins the all too common diaper rash syndrome. It was thought that Luvs, Pampers and other disposable diapers would be a better answer than the common cloth diaper. The new diapers were better. But diaper rash is still an all too persistent and difficult problem to deal withuntil Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention, everything else either didnt work too well, or did not work at all.

The most important treatment in healing diaper rash is PREVENTION!

Prevent urine from coming into contact with the babys tender skin by putting a barrier on the skin that prevents urine and fecal matter from contact with tender bottoms by barrier action. Grandma Els, as its smoothed on babys diaper area (peri-anal) creates a barrier that allows the skin to breathe or respirate, while keeping moisture and other irritants from penetrating to the skin. This preventative action of Grandma Els is accompanied by a healing, soothing action to stop the beginning of irritation that produces Diaper Rash.

It is important that the skin is always able to breathe or respirate to induce the healing process. Many diaper rash products are heavy creams, pastes or lotions. While some will create a barrier to keep moisture away from the skin, these products DO NOT have the capability of allowing the skin to breathe. Thereby, the existing moisture can not be released and the healing process is hindered dramatically. It is recommended that you use a semi-occlusive ointment such as Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention.

Used for over 30 years in treating and preventing infantile and geriatric diaper dermatitis, Grandma Els is available to all.RIGHT NOW!!

These are some frequently asked questions about diaper rash:

What is diaper rash?

1. It is an irritation of the skin in the peri-anal area that is most often caused by ammonia forming due to urine breakdown.

What causes diaper rash?

1. It is caused by prolonged contact of a urine soaked diaper on a babys skin. The skin turns red and tissue breaks down, creating a rash. This worsens as the skin remains in contact with urine and feces.

2. Chafing or rubbing of diaper or pull ups on the area

3. Possible allergic reaction to diaper

4. Bacterial or fungal infection in rash area

5. Allergic reaction to food can cause urine to be irritating

Who can get diaper rash?

1. It is common on babies between the ages of 2-24 months

2. It also can occur on babies whose diapers are not changed frequently

3. It may also occur on babies who are taking antibiotics or are nursing while mother might be taking antibiotics

4. It can also occur on babies as they begin to eat solid foods (allergic reaction)

What are the symptoms of diaper rash?

1. Red, irritated, and possibly warm skin in and around the stomach, genitals, and inside the skin folds of the thighs and bottom

2. Pain, burning and itching, and an unhappy baby!

Is diaper rash contagious?

1. Diaper rash is almost never a contagious skin condition

What do I do if my child has diaper rash?

1. Apply Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention at every diaper change, after cleansing the area well, and blotting dry

How can I prevent diaper rash?

1. Apply Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention with every diaper change

2. Change your babys diaper often, and keep the area dry and clean

3. Use a gentle cleanser formulated especially for babies skin

4. After washing your baby, gently pat dry the area, do not rub the area

5. Make sure the diapers used fit properly, so they do not rub against the skin

How long does diaper rash usually last?

1. In general without treatment, a diaper rash will last several days if not infected. If left untreated, a severe case can last up to 10-14 days or more

2. In most cases, Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention can clear diaper rash within 24 hours

What types of products are not acceptable in treating diaper rash?

1. Ointments, with the exception of Grandma Els are occlusive, preventing skin respiration. Only a semi-occlusive ointment, such as Grandma Els works properly.

2. Creams are usually somewhat drying, have no protective activity, and allow all types of external stimuli (urine, feces, and allergens) to contact the skin causing further problems. Therefore, creams are not a good choice for a babys rash treatment.

3. Lotions are not protective at all, and therefore have little value in treating or preventing diaper rash.

4. Some soaps and detergents can cause allergic sensitivity to further the breakdown of babys delicate bottom.

Should I call my pediatrician?

1. If after several days, the rash is still visible, consult your pediatrician

2. If the rash has blisters or bumps, is oozing pus or bleeding, consult your pediatrician

3. If your baby has a rash and fever, consult your physician

4. If your baby has a rash and has urine that smells stronger than usual, or many loose stools, consult your pediatrician

5. If after properly treating your babys diaper rash, it still persists, consult your pediatrician

What other types of diaper rash occur if proper treatment is not begun?

Rash can further break down allowing either bacteria, or fungus to take hold and infect the skin. Common organisms causing the infection are E. Coli (bacteria) and other fungal infections such as Candida Albicans

How can I treat diaper rash infected with bacteria or fungi?

Consult your physician immediately and he or she will prescribe a suitable anti-bacterial or anti-fungal product to eradicate the infection

What other types of diaper dermatitis exist?

Contact irritants such as urine, fecal matter, poison ivy, oak or sumac, insect bites, soap allergy, rough rather than soft clothing causing skin abrasions, infrequent diaper changes, and poor skin cleansing techniques

Is diaper rash a common problem?

Yes, diaper rash is a common problem. To help prevent diaper rash, change diapers frequently, keep the area dry, and use no cloth diapers. Definitely use Grandma Els Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention. The common problem will disappear!

Grandma Els to the rescue!!

If you have other questions, please email them to or visit our website at

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Diaper Rash, Diaper Rash Diaper Rash…What to Do? What to Do? What to Do? Grandma El to the Rescue!}

Finding The Right Technician For An Oil Change Tulsa


A motor is the lifeblood of a vehicle. An internal combustion engine contains parts that work together for a car to run right. To reduce wear and tear on an engine, it’s necessary to use motor oil in a car. It’s advisable to get an Oil Change Tulsa approximately every three thousand miles. Use the following guidelines to find a suitable technician to do this job.

Start the search for a specialist for oil changes by getting referrals from trustworthy people. Reliable sources can be friends, family, members and colleagues. Find out about the quality of labor and workmanship done on each person’s vehicle. A car owner can also ask a mechanic for recommendations. Although a mechanic can certainly change oil, some mechanics refer people to technicians who mainly perform oil changes. Many car facilities specialize in oil changes. These businesses also offer other services such as battery changes and tire changes. A mechanic can relay information he has heard about specific service providers. Choose two service providers for further search. Click here for further details.

Take some time to visit the facility of each service provider. Park across the street to observe the actions of the workers. The employees should be performing car work a majority of the time. Does the facility look neat and tidy? When cars are not being worked on, do the employees clean up and perform other duties? Dedication to cleanliness and organization can be a huge indicator of the way the workers conduct business.

Take some time to talk to a lead technician. Ask about the technician’s experience, time in business, and ability to work on your car. Inquire about the type of oil that would be best for your car. Ask about the oil changing process and if the facility provides filters as part of the oil change. The technician should be able to provide you with these details.

By asking questions and observing a facility, a person can make a decision on who to hire for an Oil Change Tulsa. For questions about oil changes and additional services, please talk to an expert at Tate Boys Tire & Service. This business can handle oil changes as well as wheels and auto repair to keep customers in vehicles that run great and look even better.