Manitoba volunteers go to war against Red River flooding

Monday, April 6, 2009

Over 1,600 volunteers registered to help build approximately 65,000 of the 500,000 sandbags to create dikes 20.5 feet (6.2 meters) high to protect the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba in the war against the Red River of the North flood.

700 volunteers answered at the rural municipality of St. Andrews alone. Once sandbags are filled for West St. Paul, St. Andrews, and Selkirk, then frozen culverts must be cleared.

The height of the river is expected to be Thursday, and predictions are that it will be less than Flood of the Century of 1997. There is no precipitation in the forecast, and snow in the province should be melted by the end of the week.

“The fear right now is we have to get that ice out of the river. The Amphibex [Excavators] are still working and breaking the ice apart, and everyday we buy with the warm weather and the current, it is thinning the ice down a bit, so when it does start to move, the better chance it’ll move right out into the lake,” said Paul Guyder, the emergency coordinator for the RMs of St. Andrews and St. Clements.

“I feel that we’ve done everything humanly possible to get ready,” said Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba, “But … there are fallibilities with human behaviour. We can take every preventative measure as human beings possible and we can still get Mother Nature proving again she is superior.”

Communities with ring diking will partially or fully close their dikes at the beginning of the week. Provincial officials are considering opening the Red River Floodway gates around mid-week before ice is fully melted.

Ice jams could cause flooding within the city, however opening the gates could spare neighbourhood flooding when the river rises to the estimated 6.3 meters (20.7 feet) height. The province does have back up plans for dealing with ice jams within the city if they do occur. The unpredictability of ice jams and the ensuing water level rise may cause neighbourhood flooding. The city is raising dikes where the river has jammed with ice in the past such as on tight curves and past bridges. Likewise there are excavators and backhoes positioned at these points.

Vulnerable neighbourhoods on the river banks have been reinforced with sandbag dikes at vulnerable areas from the massive volunteer effort over the weekend. Guyader feels no more extra volunteers are needed, however volunteers are still being asked to leave their names and number in case of unpredicted need. Existing personnel will assess roads, and help with clean up.

Approximately 400 of the 800 people who evacuated the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation have returned to their homes.

Former Premier, Dufferin Roblin, brought forward the floodway as a protection for Winnipeg residents and economy following the 1950 Red River Flood. The Red River floodway, “Duff’s Ditch” was finally finished in 1968, and its floodway gates have been opened 20 times saving Winnipeg from an estimated CA$10 billion in damages. The floodway expansion began in 2005 at a price of $665 million.

Polish and Chinese experts have come to survey the Red River Floodway, and Dennis Walaker, mayor of Fargo, North Dakota recognises the need for Red River flood defences down river. “Every town that you drive by from the Canadian line up to Winnipeg is either elevated or ring-diked,” said Walaker.

Animation School Which One Is Right For You?

Submitted by: Vahid Lancaster

Choosing the right animation school will play a very important part in your animation career. What animation school you choose greatly depends on the path that you wish to take. Over the last ten years, many popular studios such as Dreamworks Animation and Pixar Animation Studios have had box office hits, there has also been an increase in Triple A game titles over the years.

These developments have led to a sharp rise for people with good animation skills and universities have responded to this increasing demand by providing degrees that specialize in various aspects of 2D and 3D animation.

With the various animation degrees provided by prominent and new schools, the question still remains as to which animation school would be right for you. The best way to answer that question is to ask yourself what exactly do you want from your training in other words, you would need to ask lots of questions before you even consider signing any admission papers.

(1) Where is the school physically located. Can I travel to the school? If so, do I have easy access?

(2) Should I physically attend the school, or should I do my degree online instead? This of course depends on your current living situation and whether or not an online degree is provided in the first place.


(3) If I need to live in the school environment are there proper facilities? (There are many more questions that you would need to ask if you intend on living in the school environment). Are you ready to make this commitment?

(4) Is the information provided relevant to the current changes in the animation industry (this question links directly with the next one).

(5) Are the instructors experienced in various aspects of animation? What recent projects have they worked on?

(6) Are the instructors closely linked to the industry? In most cases, students that excel are able to get internships at popular studios via assistance by their instructors.

(7) Does this degree focus on all aspects of animation or is it limited. A well-structured degree program should teach you a wide range of animation skills.

Are You Ready For an Animation School?

The questions above are just a few of the many questions that you need to ask but there is one question above all else that only you can answer.


What you need to understand is that animation is not just a job anyone can get a job. Animation on the other hand has to be a passion you will be making a full-time career from this passion and if you don t have the passion to become a good animator to begin with, then it would be better if you did something else instead.

The best thing about the animation industry is that once you have the passion for it, you would be able to excel at your degree no matter which school you choose! You must be willing to put in the time and effort to become a good animator.

With time, effort and dedication, you can make it in this dynamic industry. Who knows, maybe one day you would have your very own animation studio and you would be the one hiring animators to turn your digital dreams to reality.

About the Author: Vahid Lancaster is a professional graphic designer, web designer and online entrepreneur. You can find his

3D Wallpaper

tools, tips, advice and other design works at


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Republican leaders in US want more tax relief in economic stimulus

Monday, January 26, 2009

As the newly inaugurated Barack Obama administration continues to push for a US$825 billion stimulus package to aid the struggling United States economy, some Republican legislators say they will not vote for such a plan without the inclusion of more tax cuts and less “unnecessary” spending.

Arizona Senator John McCain, Obama’s general election opponent and a leading voice within the Republican Party, says he would not vote for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan as it currently stands. Appearing on Fox News Sunday yesterday, McCain echoed his campaign platform in saying, “We need to make tax cuts permanent, and we need to make a commitment that there’ll be no new taxes.”

McCain and other Republicans say they are unhappy with the bill introduced in the House of Representatives, which combines roughly $550 billion in domestic spending with $275 billion in tax cuts. McCain believes not enough Republican proposals have been integrated into the plan, which he fears will result in the plan becoming “just another spending project” rather than a job creator.

“Republicans have not been brought in, to the degree that we should be in, to these negotiations and discussions. So far, as far as I can tell, no Republican proposal has been incorporated,” McCain said. “We’re losing sight of what the stimulus is all about, and that is job creation.”

The Arizona senator is known for his bipartisan efforts in Washington, D.C., but he defined his role in the new Senate as the “loyal opposition”, which does not mean “that I or my party will be a rubber stamp” for Obama, he said.

In his first weekly address since being sworn in, President Obama explained the stimulus plan in further detail, calling it a plan to “immediately jumpstart job creation as well as long-term economic growth.” He outlined several of the bill’s priorities, including the creation or salvation of up to four million jobs, as well as sweeping investments in health care, education, energy and infrastructure.

Among these investments are a new electricity grid with more than 3,000 miles of transmission lines, the weatherization of 2.5 million homes, health insurance protection for more than 8 million Americans, a renovation of over 10,000 schools, a project to repair thousands of miles of roadways, and an expansion of broadband Internet access.

Obama also laid out the rationale behind the stimulus, saying that “unprecedented action” is necessary in order to prevent further economic distress. “Our economy could fall $1 trillion short of its full capacity, which translates into more than $12,000 in lost income for a family of four,” Obama said. “In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a bad situation could become dramatically worse.”

The president addressed the skepticism surrounding the stimulus package, pledging to “root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending”, while holding the government accountable for its actions. “We won’t just throw money at our problems,” Obama said. “We’ll invest in what works.”

Still, Republicans such as House Minority Leader John Boehner are skeptical of the plan’s effectiveness in rebuilding the economy. “I think a lot of Republicans will vote no because it’s a lot of wasteful Washington spending”, he commented on Meet the Press, repeating McCain’s call for less federal spending and more tax cuts.

Examples of “wasteful” spending cited by Republicans include millions of coupons to aid in the digital television transition, $200 million for new sod on the National Mall, and $360 million to fight sexually transmitted diseases, which includes funding for contraceptives. House Republicans have claimed it will take 10 years before the economy feels the effect of a stimulus, and that the combined spending of the stimulus and the financial bailouts of last year will leave future generations with over $2 trillion of debt.

In response to the stimulus plan being pushed through Congress, Boehner and Republican Whip Eric Cantor presented Obama with an alternative stimulus plan on Friday, one that relies exclusively on income and business tax cuts. “Our plan offers fast-acting tax relief, not slow-moving and wasteful government spending,” Boehner said. The counterproposal includes an income tax reduction that would save families an estimated $3,200 a year.

Despite this opposition, the stimulus bill is expected to pass through Congress by mid-February, as the Republican minority does not have enough votes to stop its approval. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell expressed a general support of the plan at a White House meeting with Obama and other congressional leaders. “I do think we’ll be able to meet the president’s deadline of getting the package to him by mid-February,” McConnell said. The bill is expected to go before Congress for a vote on Monday, February 2.

Obama’s top economic adviser Lawrence Summers defended the stimulus plan while on Meet the Press. He said the bill was intended to balance the long-term initiatives mentioned above with the tax cuts desired by Republicans. He also said Obama was committed to spending three quarters of the stimulus money within 18 months.

Study: people infected by new coronavirus ‘likely’ hundreds more than confirmed

Monday, January 20, 2020

On Friday, researchers at Imperial College London posted findings estimating the number of people infected with a new coronavirus may considerably exceed 1000. The SARS-like virus first appeared in December in Wuhan, China. As of today, Chinese officials confirmed it has infected over 200 people mostly in Wuhan and killed three people. Reported cases also appeared in Thailand, South Korea, and Japan.

The study was conducted by Imperial College London’s MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis pursuant to a strange case of pneumonia in China. The study accounts for air traffic flow and known cases outside China to construe the estimate, a “total of 1,723 cases” in Wuhan on January 12. The research team posted their findings online before official publication.

“It is likely that the Wuhan outbreak of a novel coronavirus has caused substantially more cases of moderate or severe respiratory illness than currently reported”, reads the report.

Chinese authorities have speculated the virus was transferred to humans from animals in a seafood market in Wuhan, where most of the infected people were found. The study didn’t exclude the possibility of human-to-human transmission.

Singapore and Hong Kong have intensified screening for Wuhan airline passengers. From Friday, United States authorities declared similar measures for San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York major airports.

Protests at New York’s Hamilton College over controversial professor

Monday, January 31, 2005

New York, USA — Students and professors at New York‘s Hamilton College have raised protests over an invitation to the controversial ethics professor, Ward Churchill, to participate in a panel at the college. The main objection is related to comments by Mr. Churchill, chairman of the ethnic studies from the University of Colorado, who in a paper written after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, compared the victims of the attack to “little Eichmanns“.

Churchill’s paper, entitled “Some People Push Back”, charges that all American citizens are complicit in the “genocide of 500,000 Iraqi children,” which he maintains occurred during the Gulf War as a direct result of military actions and the destruction of infrastructure and the water supply. Due to their inaction and empowerment of the American government, he compares American citizens to “Good Germans.” He also charges that the inhabitants of the targets of attack, namely the Pentagon and World Trade Center, have a dubious claim to the title “Innocent Civilians,” as the Pentagon was a military target and the WTC was home to many who he alleges profited from the Iraqi Genocide.

Administrators defended Professor Churchill’s appearance despite the fact that some considered his views repugnant and disparaging.

According to Hamilton College spokesman Michael DeBraggio: “Hamilton, like any institution committed to the free exchange of ideas, invites to its campus people of diverse opinions, often controversial.”

The University of Colorado’s Interim Chancellor Phil Distefano said in a statement:”I wish to make it clear that Professor Ward Churchill’s views of the events of 9/11 are his own and do not represent the views of University of Colorado faculty, staff, students, administration or Regents. While I may personally find his views offensive, I also must support his right as an American citizen to hold and express his views, no matter how repugnant, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.”

The professor’s opinions divided New York’s Hamilton College, where Churchill is scheduled to speak. Jessica Miraglia, a student at Hamilton, created a poster defending the professor reading “You don’t have to agree with them in order to learn from them.”. Sophomore Matt Coppo, who lost his father in the World Trade Center attacks was angered over the invitation to Churchill. “Knowing that I’m paying for a person to disrespect my father, it doesn’t go over too well in my mind.”

Two congressmen from Colorado asked professor Churchill to apologize for comparing victims of the 9/11 World Trade Center attack to Nazis. Professor Churchill has said that he will not back off his statement.

How To Select Vintage Engagement Rings}

How to Select Vintage Engagement Rings


JouleEngagement rings are one of the most precious pieces of jewellery. And today you can find variety of rings in the market but diamond rings are number one choice for engagement ring but there are other gemstones also becoming popular among the brides to be. And one of the most popular rings among today’s generation is vintage engagement rings.

Vintage engagement rings are a fine work of art and it not only speaks of the cultivation but also of the refined taste of its holder. It is a superb piece of old-craftsmanship in contrast to the prong setting and plain bands which are used in modern rings. And since it is too expensive to reproduce such elaborate detail in this day and age, these rings will continue to appreciate in value over time.

You can find variety of vintage rings which includes Victorian, Edwardian and Art Deco pieces. But the most popular rings in the market today are from Victorian era. These rings reflect the popular tastes of their own time. And always remember that rings from different eras have different characteristics. Rings of 1920’s were generally made of platinum and white gold. And white gold and yellow gold were popular in the 1930’s and 1940’s. And in this period people also used the combination of yellow and white gold. You can find that the ring from this period may have intricate carving and smaller diamonds. Always remember that diamond of 1940’s is generally set in white gold enhancing the size and colour of the stone and this is the reason that the diamond of 1940’s will always look larger that it appears.


And always remember that before buying your vintage engagement ring you must consider cut, carat, clarity and colour.

Cut: Always remember that you must never judge the cut of older diamond according to the modern standards because both technique and taste have been changed. Today you can find that diamonds are cut by laser which produces maximum light or fire. And in olden days stones were cut by hands and hence they provide romantic and softer look.

Carat: The carat is the most important factor as it determines the price of diamond. Always remember that if your stone is larger then its price will be also high. But if your budget is low then the rings of 1930’s and 1940’s are the perfect option for you.

Clarity: Clarity has also a very significant effect on price as it refers to the inclusions in the stone. Always remember a clearer stone is more expensive compare to stones which have flaws and inclusions.

Colour: Colour of the stone is a matter of your taste compare to other C’S. You can find variety of fancy shades in diamond hence you can select the colour of your stone according to the preference of your lady.

Character: Another thing which you must consider before buying your vintage engagement ring is character. Always remember that it is the only factor which captures romance and charm of the occasion for which it is meant.

The author has written many articles and in this article he has given complete guide to

vintage engagement rings

buying. If you want more details and are looking for perfect vintage engagement rings and

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the feel free to visit

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U.S. Senate majority goes to Democrats

Friday, November 10, 2006

George Allen, incumbent Republican Senator from Virginia, conceded the state’s mid-term election to Democratic challenger Jim Webb on Thursday. Democrats have now gained the six seats needed by the party to hold majority control of the Senate.

“The people of Virginia have spoken, they have spoken in a closely divided voice. We have two 49ers,” Allen said during the afternoon press conference in Arlington. Allen garnered 49.25% of the vote, compared to the 49.55% who supported Webb. “I do not wish to cause more rancor by protracted litigation that would not, in my opinion, alter the results.”

The concession by Allen in traditionally Republican Virginia follows what were once prospects for an Allen 2008 presidential bid. An easy Allen re-election campaign to the Senate was expected, but what came was the Democrats ability to frame the election as a national referendum on the war in Iraq. Democrats may have succeeded nationally to draw on the issue of Iraq, but local politics were very much in play in Northern Virginia.

According to the Virginia Pilot, “Unofficial returns gave Democratic nominee Webb a 120,000-vote advantage over Allen in Northern Virginia’s eight localities. But Webb trailed badly across most of the rest of the state and would have decisively lost the election without his Northern Virginia support.” The margin by which Webb won was 9,000 votes.

Allen’s formulaic stance against tax increases, whether for highway taxes to improve congested northern highway and commuter corridors, or outright fiscal conservativism of all taxes in the face of a burgeoning national deficit, worked against him.

The state constitutional amendment banning recognition of same-sex marriage supported by Allen, but opposed by Webb and Governor Tim Kaine, and most Northern Virginians, worked against Allen in the election.

Lobby groups oppose plans for EU copyright extension

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The European Commission currently has proposals on the table to extend performers’ copyright terms. Described by Professor Martin Kretschmer as the “Beatles Extension Act”, the proposed measure would extend copyright from 50 to 95 years after recording. A vast number of classical tracks are at stake; the copyright on recordings from the fifties and early sixties is nearing its expiration date, after which it would normally enter the public domain or become ‘public property’. E.U. Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services Charlie McCreevy is proposing this extension, and if the other relevant Directorate Generales (Information Society, Consumers, Culture, Trade, Competition, etc.) agree with the proposal, it will be sent to the European Parliament.

Wikinews contacted Erik Josefsson, European Affairs Coordinator for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (E.F.F.), who invited us to Brussels, the heart of E.U. policy making, to discuss this new proposal and its implications. Expecting an office interview, we arrived to discover that the event was a party and meetup conveniently coinciding with FOSDEM 2008 (the Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting). The meetup was in a sprawling city centre apartment festooned with E.F.F. flags and looked to be a party that would go on into the early hours of the morning with copious food and drink on tap. As more people showed up for the event it turned out that it was a truly international crowd, with guests from all over Europe.

Eddan Katz, the new International Affairs Director of the E.F.F., had come over from the U.S. to connect to the European E.F.F. network, and he gladly took part in our interview. Eddan Katz explained that the Electronic Frontier Foundation is “A non-profit organisation working to protect civil liberties and freedoms online. The E.F.F. has fought for information privacy rights online, in relation to both the government and companies who, with insufficient transparency, collect, aggregate and make abuse of information about individuals.” Another major focus of their advocacy is intellectual property, said Eddan: “The E.F.F. represents what would be the public interest, those parts of society that don’t have a concentration of power, that the private interests do have in terms of lobbying.”

Becky Hogge, Executive Director of the U.K.’s Open Rights Group (O.R.G.), joined our discussion as well. “The goals of the Open Rights Group are very simple: we speak up whenever we see civil, consumer or human rights being affected by the poor implementation or the poor regulation of new technologies,” Becky summarised. “In that sense, people call us -I mean the E.F.F. has been around, in internet years, since the beginning of time- but the Open Rights Group is often called the British E.F.F.


  • 1 The interview
    • 1.1 Cliff Richard’s pension
    • 1.2 Perpetual patents?
    • 1.3 The fight moves from the U.K. to Europe
    • 1.4 Reclaiming democratic processes in the E.U.
  • 2 Related news
  • 3 Sources
  • 4 External links

Kentucky faith-based agency under fire for religious coercion

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A lawsuit filed by a former employee of Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children (now Sunrise Children’s Services) and four other tax-payers, has shed light on the possibility of religious coercion by the organization. The lawsuit challenges the faith-based agency’s eligibility for state funds.

Specifically, interviews of children conducted by the state of Kentucky have revealed complaints from some of the children. Mainly, children who said they were Catholic, Pentecostal, Jehovah’s Witnesses or atheist voiced complaints in the interviews.

“They tried to more [or] less force me to become a Christian,” said one child in an exit interview. “I just felt I was being pressured into giving up my religion.”

Another child reported s/he was “not allowed to choose when or when not to attend a religious service,” per the interview, and was told “‘to do’ some type of Bible study during that time or get consequences.”

Both the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Sunrise say there is a strict policy against proselytizing in the program and that it does not prevent children from practising their individual faiths.

They also stress that these complaints number merely a “handful” among the approximately 1,500 children that are served by the faith-based agency.

“If a child says, ‘I don’t want to go to the Baptist church,’ then the child does not go,” Jonathan Goldberg, the state’s attorney, said. Some children might have mistankenly believed they were forced to go, he added.

The plaintiffs are seeking to have the interviews unsealed, at least in the cases where the child is now 18 years of age or older. The state and Sunrise argue they need to be kept confidential.

The lawsuit originated with Alicia Pedreira, who was fired in 2000. She alleges her firing was direct result of Sunrise (then Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children) finding out she is a lesbian.

Sunrise Children’s Services provides residential programs and foster care homes for children that have suffered abuse or neglect. Since 2001, Kentucky has paid Sunrise US$61 million to provide the services for children who would otherwise be in direct state custody.

In 2001, the state did find cause for action against one of Sunrise’s homes to fix “a coercive religious environment” where staff members confirmed that church attendance was required.

With accusations of undue pressure by a Christian agency funded by the state, the Sunrise case bears some similitude to the lawsuit against Iowa for paying Chuck Colson’s evangelical agency to run part of its prison.

Last June, U.S. District Judge Robert W. Pratt strongly reprimanded and ruled against Iowa’s use of a Christian social service agency to administer its prison. Judge Pratt stated: “For all practical purposes, the state has literally established an Evangelical Christian congregation within the walls of one of its penal institutions… There are no adequate safeguards present, nor could there be, to ensure that state funds are not being directly spent to indoctrinate Iowa inmates.”

The Iowa ruling is pending appeal.

Critics point to both of these cases as failures of George W. Bush’s faith-based services initiative. The program is often seen as conflicting with the tradition of separation of church and state in the United States.

Comparison Shopping Sites Can Grow Your E Commerce Store

Submitted by: Paul Apartin

Millions and millions of online searchers search for products on a daily basis. Since there are so many online retailers these days and the number of them is only growing, more and more consumers turn to comparison shopping websites to shop for a product their looking for and right there and then compare prices instantly.

Do you own an ecommerce store? Do you do any sort of online marketing? Well, for your sake and the sake of the success of your ecommerce business, I hope you do. One great resource of traffic and boosting sales is these shopping comparison websites. Have you ever shopped yourself at a shopping comparison website?

These websites promote themselves in search engines and other networks in two different ways. Since they are very large sites, they have good ranking in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Also, these websites do paid search arbitrage which means they do PPC themselves in engines such as Google to drive visitors to their sites and make money per click as well.

Regardless of how they operate themselves, how can these shopping comparison websites help you? If you have an ecommerce store and looking for more traffic and a significant amount of increase in sales, these sites may just do the trick. The way they work is on a PPC (pay-per-click) basis. So, you upload 10 products and decide that you want to spend.20 cents every time a visitor clicks on your product. So let’s say you sell jeans online. When someone types in levis jeans and you uploaded a Levis jeans products, you are now competing against all other merchants who carry that same model jean and your listing, along with their, will come up to the user with the stores different pricing where then the visitor will have the option to visit the store they want.


The three major shopping comparison websites you should focus on at first are:

1. BizRate

2. PriceGrabbe

3. NexTag

Google also has its own shopping comparison engine which you can find by going to Google and click on the product search. What is great about this for ecommerce merchants is that Googles shopping is free for ecommerce retailers and it’s called Google Base.

If you’re wondering if Yahoo has comparison shopping, it sure does but it is powered by PriceGrabber. That means that if you upload products to PriceGrabber, they will also show up in Yahoo Shopping!

Many of the worlds largest online retailers use comparison shopping websites to promote their own sites so you can see how useful they can be. The best examples of the worlds largest retailers using comparison shopping are Amazon and Zappos. Both of these online retailing monsters are on about every comparison shopping website out there and if they are promoting their products there, that should tell us something…that comparison shopping websites really do work.

It is very important in order to measure success in these sites that you track your conversions and track somehow. Your ecommerce platform should have URL tracking and if it doesnt, most shopping comparison websites will give you a code to place on the thank you page which will track conversions for you.

About the Author: Paul A. is in the sales staff of F3, a shopping cart software company and made the shopping comparison list at:

for online retailers to submit their products to.


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