Ten April Fool’s pranks of 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

April Fools’ Day pranks harmlessly pervaded worldwide again this year. Media outlets and internet sites have joined family, office workers, and friends to provide a wide variety of practical jokes. Ireland, France, and the United States celebrate April Fools all day, whereas a few countries celebrate jokes only until noon such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa.

Car and Driver claimed that GM and Chrysler were ordered out of NASCAR by the White House by the end of 2009 in order to receive any more government loans. There are press releases about this short-lived prank which received controversial feedback.

The Swiss Tourism Board has announced that volunteers were desperately needed, The Association of Mountain Cleaners “makes sure that our holiday guests can always enjoy perfect mountains. Using brooms, brushes, water and muscle power, they clean the rocks of any bird droppings.”

This year Gmail produced a new autopilot feature for April 1, 2009 which can read your email and automatically respond to every message.

What was your favourite April Fool’s gag? Submit the best you heard of.
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BMW released its new Magnetic Tow Technology which allows your BMW to magnetically attach to the vehicle ahead of you. This enhanced technology allows the driver to remove their foot from the gas pedal and turn off the motor.

The Guardian proposed its move to Twitter, which would allow the newspaper to fit its article content into 140 character messages or “tweets”. Included in this venture was the archiving of past events reported by The Guardian, such as, “1927 OMG first successful transatlantic air flight wow, pretty cool! Boring day otherwise *sigh*”

Google’s technological break through for April Fool’s Day was CADIE, (Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity). By extracting internet search patterns combined with Brain Search, a part of CADIE technology, Google can now search your thoughts and memories.

Wikipedia even fooled Fox News who claimed that “every item on the home page of the user-generated site Wikipedia is fake. The featured Wikipedia article regaled the “Museum of Bad Art” in Boston.” However, each item on the main page was based on reality — even news articles such as NASA reports a shower of diamonds over the Republic of Sudan, which was based on a meteorite which passed over Sudan whose fragments did reveal diamonds upon discovery.

The Conficker Internet worm had been in the news warning of a worst case scenario when computers worldwide would be affected by the virus. Even the chief security adviser for Microsoft, Ed Gibson, didn’t want to make any predictions about what would happen. Experts just knew that it was set to go off on April 1. Several anomalous happenings were attributed to Conficker including Leroy “Mac” MacElrie who claimed to be the programmer of the Conficker worm and turned himself in to police.

Hotels.com ran an advertisement offering hotel room bookings on the moon which would be offered on European websites starting at £800 a night.

Qualcomm ingeniously revealed a new wireless networking technology called wireless convergence. Making use of the flight patterns of pigeons. They then use innovative solutions to converge the birds with wolves to protect the internal improvements.

Media outlets were not the only ones pulling pranks. Gaming websites across the internet Blizzard, Joystiq, and affiliates posted reviews and announcements of games with tongue in cheek. YouTube offered viewers a unique April Fool’s experience as videos were offered upside down. In Ireland, U2 fans received a U2opia concert on a shopping centre roof top concert rather than the real thing.

Urbanload Scam The Urbanload.Com Review Read This Before Signing Up}

Submitted by: Mike Powell

Are you looking for reliable dropshippers or are interested to start in the dropshipping business?

I have been looking around for a website to create and sell your products on eBay and I have found one of the best sites…UrbanLoad. I’ve been using Urbanload for about 9 months now and averaging $2600 in net profits every month. This is my review of it:

With urbanload, you can create and sell almost all types of items, from clothing to electronics. The best thing about it is that it is customizable. Every single product can be made unique. (find the right niche and you can make a killing!)


Here is an overview:

Once you become a registered member you enjoy numerous benefits such as: over 1000 wholesale products to customize and se, enjoy worldwide drop shopping services, make money at home without having to do any inventory and learn new ways of drop shopping for your website or on eBay. Once you register, you get a 30 day free trial and a free mouse pad. There are a good number of case studies and testimonies at Urbanload.com, so before you make up your mind go through them and convince yourself. During this trial period you can try for yourself. If you are interested, make your order and start earning big.

With Ubanload you get a great customer service and support, copy and paste product image, you can also copy and paste product descriptions and you get your questions answered when you need them with online support and live chat. Their payment methods are the usual ones; Paypal, AmEx and VISA/MC.

So, how does it work?

The answer is buying and selling just like in any market but this one is simplified. Urbanload sells at extremely low prices. That means it is like a wholesale so you can buy with the modify or customize the product then sell to eBay or your at your website at prevailing market price.

Furthermore, there is NO shipping charges. Shipping is absolutely free and they ship worldwide. There is however a monthly cost of 19.95 after the first free month. This is a relatively small amount to pay. Just sell 2-3 items and you’ll make back that fee.

The requirements to buy and sell are quite simple. Like having a reseller account and having a valid website address for your online business. Once someone buys your product, you order it and it gets shipped to your customer. You never had to keep stock or inventory. You only buy it AFTER your customers pay you. Shipping takes about 9-12 days. The products on sale do not run out of stock easily and those guys are UrbanLoad are fast enough to replenish the popular ones (eg: shirts and t-shirts)


If you want to start dropshipping and want a huge army of ready buyers (ebay), then you should try Urbanload. It is what makes dropshipping on eBay easy.

I am an online business enthusiast; I do most of my transactions online. There are several things that, to me, makes Urbanload stands out. You dont have to pay for package materials and boxes, you dont have to set an account with several different companies and force yourself have track of each account. You do not have to keep stock. You only pay once your visitors pay you. It is a easy no-risk setup for starters. So go try it out today and do give a shout out to Thomas (founder of Urbanload) for me.

About the Author: Mike Powell is an independent reviewer Click the links below to visit UrbanLoad.com:


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News briefs:May 26, 2006

The time is 17:00 (UTC) on May 26th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


  • 1 Headlines
    • 1.1 Shots fired on Capitol Hill
    • 1.2 U.S. Senate passes immigration reform bill
    • 1.3 Melbourne – Adelaide train services disrupted into next week following fatal crash
    • 1.4 Australian troops land in East Timor
    • 1.5 Science minister visits Australia’s newest nuclear reactor, receives nuclear power report
    • 1.6 BitTorrent index sues MPAA
    • 1.7 Hundred million dollar New Zealand drug bust
    • 1.8 Left parties:Don’t let U.S meddle in India’s internal affairs
  • 2 Closing statements

Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

Parents arrested after putting baby on Craigslist

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A couple from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has been arrested on charges of public mischief after listing their seven day old baby girl on the popular Internet classified ads website Craigslist.

The listing claimed that the baby was unexpected, “healthy and very cute”. It asked CAN 10 000 for the baby. It also listed a phone number belonging to a stolen cellphone, which was used to find the couple.

It was first noticed by a 62-year old grandmother browsing the website for furniture, who said “I was shaking, and I thought, ‘Come on, how did this even get through?'” The couple claimed that the listing, which has since been removed, was a hoax.

The father, Jeremy Pete, had a history of car thefts and evasion of police, while the mother, 23-year-old Bethany Granholm, had convictions of property theft, fraud and impersonation. The parents have now been released, but charges are still being considered. The baby has been placed in provincial care.

A suspected copycat incident occurred just four days later, also offering a seven-day-old baby girl for CAN 10 000 on Craigslist. This incident turned out to be a hoax, and no child was in danger.

Last week saw a similar incident in Germany, where a couple listed a seven month old baby on eBay. In this case the police have launched a child trafficking investigation, despite the parents’ assertion that the listing was a joke.

The Value Of Galvanized Bolts

byPalm Beal

There are many different bolts in New York City; everything from Anchor bolts to Toggle bolts and everything in between. In many cases these bolts are available in various finishes and even materials; it is not uncommon for bolts to be made from stainless steel or to be galvanized when the operating environment is harsh. The special material or the special coating prevents corrosion and in the case of steel bolts; rust. Galvanized bolts are used in many applications, from the extreme demands that are found in bridge construction to the less demanding need when used to build your deck at home.

Galvanized bolts in New York City begin as nothing more than a steel bolt. This bolt, as it is unprotected will begin oxidizing very quickly, especially when they are exposed to moisture. Many of these bolts are subjected to a downstream application of zinc plating which adds potentially years to the life of the bolt and improves the load bearing capacity. A galvanized bolt can be used in far more applications then the plain steel fastener it once was.

It is very easy to identify a bolt which has been galvanized or hot zinc plated, they have a very definitive spangled surface. Although they can be employed anywhere, they are usually used outside where the fastener is constantly subjected to the weather and the environmental conditions prevalent in the area. They are common in areas which are close to the coasts as they can resists salt spray induced corrosion, although not as good as stainless steel bolts and nuts. In many industries where chemicals are processed, galvanized bolts are specified for almost every application.

Bolts in New York City are classified into through bolts and lag bolts. A lag bolt is used when there is no accessibility to both the bolt side and the nut side. A through bolt, or carriage bolt on the other hand is used when the bolt goes completely through the materials and the threads show on the other side of the joint. Lag bolts are often used when fastening wood, carriage bolts are the favorite for fastening metal.

Galvanized bolts are somewhat more expensive to purchase than plain, un-plated bolts but their proven life expectancy is many times greater so their use greatly reduces down time and maintenance expenses. For more information, visit the website http://ekfastener.com/.

U.S. manufacturer General Motors seeks bankruptcy protection

Monday, June 1, 2009

United States automobile manufacturing firm General Motors filed for bankruptcy and Chapter 11 protection from its creditors at 12:00 UTC Monday, in a Manhattan, New York federal bankruptcy court. This was the largest bankruptcy filing for a U.S. manufacturing company, and with declared assets of $82.29 billion and a debt of $172.81 billion, and the fourth largest bankruptcy filing in recent U.S. history — after the bankruptcies of {{w|Lehman Brothers|| ($691.06 billion), Washington Mutual ($327.91 billion), and WorldCom ($103.91 billion).

The filing, expected to be the first of many, was for a New York GM affiliate, Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem Incorporated. Numbered 09-50026, it named GM as a debtor in possession, and was filed before judge Robert Gerber.

GM is to be represented throughout the filing process by Weil Gotshal & Manges, a New York law firm specializing in bankruptcy.

The chief restructuring officer, named in the filing, is to be Al Koch, a managing director at AlixPartners LLP in New York, who will report directly to Fritz Henderson, the Chief Executive Officer of General Motors.

In its bankruptcy petition, GM listed its primary creditors as:

Name Amount owed (USD millions)
Wilmington Trust 22,000
United Auto Workers union (UAW) 20,560
Deutsche Bank 4,440

The amount owed to UAW excludes “approximately $9.4 billion corresponding to the GM Internal VEBA”. USD22,760 millions are owed to bondholders.

Analysts have observed that the effect of the bankruptcy filing on the U.S. economy is not expected to be as major as it once would have been. One such voice, Mark Zandy, an economist at Moody’s Economy.com, commented that “Bankruptcy now is irrelevant in terms of the economic consequence of what’s happening to GM.” Such analysts believe that the economic impact of GM’s problems has already been felt, with its effects on parts suppliers and employment. They also believe that GM’s programme of accelerated payments, and its participation in a U.S. Treasury program to ensure prompt payments to parts manufacturers, will have cushioned the effect of the bankruptcy itself.

Speaking on Bloomberg Radio, David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, stated that the fragility of the parts suppliers, the loss of whom would threaten the entire automobile manufacturing industry, was of more immediate concern than the GM bankruptcy.

Also filing for chapter 11 protection today were Saturn LLC and Saturn Distribution Corporation, subsidiary companies of General Motors.

As a consequence of the bankruptcy, General Motors Corporation (GM.N) was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and was replaced by Cisco Systems (CSCO.O), these changes scheduled by Dow Jones & Company to take effect from the opening of trading on June 8.

Coal processing equipment in coal mining

Coal processing is necessary in coal usage and supplying right size coal ores for coal industry. Coal processing is also the important coal mining equipment which process coal with crushing, grinding, conveying and screening, etc.

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Coal processing is as follows: After coal comes out of the ground, it typically goes on a conveyor belt to a preparation plant that is located at the mining site. The plant cleans and processes coal to remove dirt, rock, ash, sulfur, increasing the heating value of the coal. During this coal processing, the used industrial equipment can be called coal processing equipments.

Coal processing equipment

Coal processing equipment: coal crusher and coal mill, coal vertical mill. Coal crusher can be named coal processing crusher, and coal mill also named coal processing mill used widely in coal processing production lines.

Coal crusher is widely used in the coal crushing process. As technology developed, now we have many types of coal crushers, including jaw crusher, cone crusher, impact crusher and portable crushing and screening plant. SBM supply a whole set of coal crushing production line to coal processing industry.

Coal mill is the most important coal processing plant as coal is usually fed into fire power plant to generate energy. Coal mill include ball mill, vertical mill, raymond mill etc. SBM vertical coal mill is the one we designed for coal pulverizing and is featured with high capacity, high efficiency and long service time. Ball mill, hammer mill and other coal grinding equipments are also widely used in coal processing.

Coal screening plant is one kind of coal selecting and purifying equipments. Coal screening plant helps to separate the right size coal granules we need from those not passable. SBM vibrating screen is welcomed during coal crushing and coal grinding process.

Coal belt conveyor acts as the transporting part and joint in coal processing production line and so it is necessary during coal processing. SBM coal belt conveyor is rubber belt conveyor and runs in the circumstance temperature range from -20? to +40?. SBM coal belt conveyor can work with both outdoor and downhole operation.

Coal crushing and screening plant is the whole set of coal processing production line, equipped with coal crusher, screening plant, belt conveyor and vibrating feeder. Coal crushing and screening plant is more flexible and more widely used than stationary coal crushers.

Coal processing plant

Coal processing plant is the industrial equipments used for processing coal materials in coal mining industry. Coal processing plant mainly inlcudes coal crusher, coal mill, coal feeders, coal conveyors etc. Usually, coal jaw crusher is taken as primary crushing equipment or crusher machine for first crushing stage. Cone crusher and impact crusher are used as secondary crusher equipments. After crushing process, we apply coal mill such as ball mill, raymond mill, vertical mill as grinding machines or equipments for next grinding process.

In order to use coal more rationally, efficiently and effectively, the coal need to be processed and crushed into different sizes, 0 ~ 25 mm particle size for coal gas stove, 25 ~ 8 mm for steam locomotive, 25 ~ 6 mm for the industrial furnace, and coal power plant requires grain coal of 0 ~ 25mm. So coal processing in coal preparation plant includes coal crushing and coal milling.

Coal preperation plant

A coal preperation plant, nestled among the mountains. Coal Preperation plants generally use gravity process equipment to separate the refuse from the product (coal). Coal has a specific gravity between 1.35 and 1.5, while the refuse rock has a Specific Gravity of 2.1 to 2.3. Heavy Media is the most popular method of cleaning coarse sizes, jig plants are probably the second most common method used for coarse coal. Heavy media cyclones are being used more often for fines size fractions. Flotation is generally used to clean the -28 mesh size fraction, although spirals and heavy media cyclones have shown success in cleaning down to 100 mesh coal feed. Spirals are generally used for middling sizes ( 10 mesh to 60 mesh).

A flow diagram of a 400 ton per hour coal plant that produces both metallurgical coal and steam coal for power generation. Generally speaking, metallurgical coal is cleaner , has higher carbon content and is easier to process than the lower rank steam coals.

At this prep plant, all feed coal (ROM) is crushed to -2″ before entering the plant circuits. The 2″ x 10 mesh coal is screened and goes to the primary dense medium cyclone circuit. The 2″ x 10 mesh coking coal is recovered from the refuse here. The middlings (-10 mesh x 60 mesh) are processed in the Secondary Dense Medium Cyclone Circuit to recover the coal here, this produces a higher ash coal and is used as steam coal. The coking coal product conveyor has an intermediate screen that enables material to be diverted in varying proportions to steam coal if necessary to enhance the coking properties.

The -10 mesh coal is deslimed at 100 mesh and then sized at 10 mesh x 100 mesh is processed in the spiral circuit to produce coking coal. The -100 mesh slimes and -60 mesh coal is then processed in the flotation circuit to produce coking coal.

Four new breeds in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This year, four breeds of dogs are competing for the first time in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, United States.

The new breeds making their Westminister debuts this year, are the Plott, a hunting hound originally bred by two German immigrant brothers in North Carolina; the Tibetan Mastiff, once described by Marco Polo as “tall as a donkey with a voice as powerful as that of a lion.”; the Beauceron, a herding dog originally bred to herd flocks of sheep in France, later used to sniff out landmines and send messages during the World Wars; and the Swedish Vallhund, a breed dating back to the time of the Vikings, used on farms to catch vermin, herd cattle, and as a guard dog, noted for its double coat and harness markings.

This brings the number of unique breeds competing in the famous dog show to 169.

The Plott, the Beauceron, and the Vallhund were shown on Monday. The Tibetan Mastiff will be shown tonight as part of the Working Group.

Understanding Your Car Insurance: Glossary of Contract Terms

The best way to understand your car insurance policy is to become familiar with some of the terms used in your contract when signing up for a deal. It can be easy to get lost in insurance jargon and end up confused about some of the stipulations of your policy.

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The car insurance glossary below lists several terms that you are likely to encounter when reading over your contract.

Cancellation Clause/Cooling off Period

The cancellation clause is an important part of your contract that gives both you and your insurer the right to cancel the policy within a short period of time after it has gone into effect. This period of time is typically around 14 days, so make sure to cancel within this time if you have any issues with the policy. If cancelled within this period, you will not need to provide any reason for why you wanted out of your policy.

Cash Surrender Value

This is the amount of money that you could get back if you cancel your insurance before the year has ended. Your contract will determine how much you can be reimbursed.

Compulsory Excess

A compulsory excess is the amount that you would have to pay if you ever make a claim. Your insurance will cover whatever is left to pay after the compulsory excess. People who are seen as a greater insurance risk will have to pay a higher compulsory excess.


Exclusion refers to some event that your insurer will not cover. You will not be able to make a claim if you receive any damages as a result of this stipulated event.

Geographical/Territorial Limits

These are the limits within which your car insurance will be considered valid. The typical geographical limit for your UK insurance will be within the UK. Take a look at your contract to see if you will be covered in any other countries.


An indemnity simply means that you have been compensated or have received reparation payments. It is when you have returned to the same state that you were in before a loss, after having your damages paid for and repaired.


This is simply a contract term that refers to the person who is being covered by the policy.

Legal Liability

Legal liability means that it is your responsibility to compensate someone after causing damages.


“Partner” is a term that may be used in your contract to refer to the person you are living with. They do not have to be married to you to be considered your partner.


This is another term for “insured.”


“Proposer” is another term for both “insured” and “policyholder.” It is the person taking out insurance.

Registered Keeper

The register keeper of a vehicle has the responsibility of making sure that the car is licensed and for paying any tickets. The registered keeper, however, does not have to be the owner of the car. They just need to be the person who uses it.


The payout that you or somebody else received from an insurance company is referred to as the settlement.

Social Domestic and Pleasure (SD & P)

When you take out a car insurance policy, your insurer is going to want to know how you intend to use your car. They will ask whether you will be using it to get to and from work, for SD & P purposes, or for both. If you are going to be using your car to do things such as take trips, visit friends, and go shopping, then you are using it for SD & P.


An underwriter assesses how much of an insurance risk you are likely to present for an insurer, and how much your premiums will be. They take into account factors such as where you live, how old you are, any points on your license, what sort of car you drive, and even where your car will be parked overnight.

Voluntary Excess

A voluntary excess is how much you can agree to pay on top of your compulsory excess. If you can afford to make a bigger payment in the event of a claim, then you may benefit from lower premiums, as this will guarantee a smaller cost for your insurance company.

Eva Kurilovaappreciates that the language used by insurance companies can be confusing and difficult to understand which is why she likes the idea of an online car insurance glossary. Visit the uSwitch.com website to use their free glossary tools and learn more about your insurance.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com